Saturday, 2 January 2016


So, 2015 is over and we welcome in 2016. 2015's closing month has been a long and exciting one. From my birthday celebrations to festive togetherness with friends and family this has been a great end to an eventful year.

As always, this month has been one of dressing up and hitting the town. Flats have been my new go-to shoe, especially pointed lace-ups. I lusted after a pair when they first hit the shops a few months back and finally settled on this pair shown above from ASOS. They're my ultimate faves for going out because they are just so darn comfy and easy to wear. This pair are also patent which makes life so easy. I cannot even begin to talk about the spilt drinks and sticky dancefloors that have resulted in the end of the road for many a pair of my shoes. Now I can just wipe these clean and they're like new. Genius! As well as convenience I'm also really into the way these shoes will go with practically everything. I really like the stylish touch they give to whatever I'm wearing and It's safe to say I am obsessed.

Mid December brought a very exciting time for me. After being a fan for years, I finally got to go and see Mumford and Sons during their Wilder Mind tour. After following the band and purchasing album after album this was a long time coming. I was not disappointed and as expected, they were amazing live. An arena full of adoring fans and the belters including the classic 'Little Lion Man' made for a great atmosphere and an unforgettable night.

This month has also meant a lot of Uni work with the run up to exams in January. I'm studying Classics and English Literature which has meant a lot of reading and a lot of essay writing. Not forgetting the many 'breaks' that quickly switch from "I'll just watch this one YouTube video..." to a whole day of Netflix binging - whoops! All moaning aside I'm really lucky to enjoy my course and despite the many hours of hard work it entails, I am really pleased that I have enjoyed my time at University so far.

The rest of December also saw a number of celebrations in the run up to Christmas, as well as a flatmate's birthday. To celebrate we opted for bowling. It's had been a while and my bowling technique is definitely not on top form which resulted in a loss for me! Despite my terrible hand-eye-coordination this was a really fun time. I feel like I always forget how much fun bowling can be and I'm going to make it my aim to do it a lot more during 2016.


  1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left me on my blog about my 2015 year in pictures! It's lovely to hear from a fellow Janeite. We should do a collab at some point!!

    1. Thank you so much for the comment! A collab would be a brilliant idea!


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