Thursday, 3 December 2015

Brekky Bowls

Breakfast is one of the best times of the day and porridge has to be one of my favourite foods, that may seem peculiar but true! There's nothing more comforting on a cold winter morning than a nice big ol' bowl of porridge and a brew. However I like to put a spin on what a lot of people perceive to be a boring brekky.

I find breakfast bowls to be the easiest way for me to gain a nutritional and filling start to my day. First we'll start with the beloved porridge, two of which are featured in the picture above. I just use a bag of ordinary porridge oats that I heat with water - or you can cook it with milk if you'd prefer, but I usually tend to cook mine with water and then add a splash of milk afterwards. For this I like to use either coconut or almond milk. If I have time in the morning I'll cook up some quinoa before adding my porridge oats to the saucepan. This takes about fifteen minutes and adds a lot of extra nutrition to my porridge. Now for the fun part. To spruce up my porridge I like to add anything from fruit, to nuts, to chia seeds, maple syrup and even a sprinkling of cinnamon. Changing it up means I don't get bored of the same-old and also allows me to get a lot of healthy stuff into my breakfast too - which is something I focus on.

As the lower left corner picture shows, I also like to make smoothie bowls. I tend to use frozen berries and I'll whiz these up in my blender and pour into a bowl. I like to do the same thing in terms of adding additional tastiness to my smoothie bowl. I especially like to sprinkle a granola or muesli on top. The picture above shows one of my faves: Primrose Kitchen Raw Beetroot and Ginger Muesli.

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